EJB 533 is an absolute interesting CO2-detector with extra measuring functions and automatic calibration.

  A big digital LCD-display indicate concentration of gas (CO2), Air Temperature (°C), Dew Point (°C), Wet Bulb Temperature (°C), and Relative Humidity (RH). Datalogging is possible via RS232.

  Self test : All functions of instrument (battery status, calibration, CO2 level, activation of acoustic alarm) are controlled by NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared) sensor. 


  Display : multi-digit LCD-display

  Monitoring : CO2 (ppm), °C, DP(°C), WB (°C), RH%

  Measuring range CO2 : 0-3000 ppm (3001-9999 ppm with low accuracy)

  Measuring range temperature : -10...+60°C

  Measuring range relative humidity : 0-95%

  Measuring range dew point : 0...+60°C

  Measuring range wet bulb temperature : 0...+60°C

  Operating temperature : -20 to +50°C

  Resolution : 2 ppm CO2 / 0,1°C / 0,1%RH

  Accuracy : ± 30 ppm CO2(± 5%)/ ± 0,6°C / 0,1%RH

  Sensor CO2: NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared)/RH - Rotronic capacitor

  Calibration : automatic

  Battery life : >10 hours (4 x AA)

  Dimensions : 168 x 70 x 55 mm

Can be used :

- industrial buildings

- schools

- hospitals

- supermarkets and shops

- private buildings, apartments

- food storages and enterprises

- automotive centres and garages

- sport centres

- experts

- ...

Standard delivery :

- instrument

- 4 AA battery

- carrying case

- instruction manual

Optional accessories

- RS232 software with D-sub connector VARS232M

- adaptor 100-240 V AC

- salt bottles HR33,  HR 75% for calibration




Bercu nv

Noordschippersdok 13                         T. +32 3 225 32 73                        

B-2060 Antwerp                                 F. +32 3 234 18 49

Belgium                                             ejb@bercu.be


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