Specification The ink ribbons are used for data recorders different modifocations and make. There are 6 different colours. The ink ribbons can be delivered as separate sheets as in a package of 36 pieces. Dimensions Ink ribbons are used for recorders : 144 x 144 & 144 x 288; other sizes delivered by request.
Specification The writing pens are supplied for different types of chart recorders. We can deliver wide range of different models, apparatus and instruments.
Specification We can deliver print wheels for all instruments in a world market. Also delivery print wheels for old instruments, recorders, registration apparatus are possible.
Bercu nv
Noordschippersdok 13 T. +32 3 225 32 73 ejb@bercu.be
B-2060 Antwerp F. +32 3 234 18 49
www.bercu.be www.bercu.com Copyright 2022@ Bercu nv. All rights reserved.